[Artists] - "Unsigned Hype" LiL-D Da Prince (January)

Name: LiL-D Da Prince 
Location: Pittsburgh,Pa
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
Label: L.E.U Entertainment (Indie)/ Unsigned

Daeshawn Ballard (born February 14, 1992) who goes by LiL-D Da Prince is a Pittsburgh, Pa rapper. He is a sophomore in college on a full academic scholarship making his dreams of becoming a world famous Hip-Hop artist a reality. The name LiL-D Da Prince was given to a twelve year old Daeshawn Ballard  by his father/manager Big Meach, which serves as a conglomerate of different qualities, characteristics and aspirations Daeshawn has. For example, the first four letters LiL-D stands for legend, inspiring, lethal, desiring etc.  An amazing and talented young man, he is going somewhere – Peter Yarrow (Peter Paul and Mary)

The First year of college means a fresh start to many young adults, but to LiL-D Da Prince it meant to continue and build. Following the success of his first mixtape Goodmorning Goodnight, he did just that, with starting his second mixtape Freshman 15 (which is slated to drop late 2011).

Taking advantage of talent shows, open mic nights(with the accompaniment of a live band), performing for fraternities and landing contracts from the university to perform all the while promoting this new mixtape Freshman 15, LiL-D Da Prince has been drawing large crowds and setting records for attendance.

In 2011 Da Prince was voted Best Hip-Hop Artist: Under 21, in Pittsburgh, after losing to took Best Hip-Hop Artist under 21 in Pittsburgh, after losing to Mac Miller the year before and Wiz Khalifa two years before that. Starting at age twelve, Da Prince dropped his first song and video with the help of his Father/Manager Big Meach. Having a 3 CD career behind him, Big Meach saw it was time to invest in the future and put LiL-D Da Prince as the front runner of his label L.E.U Entertainment. It was a choice that proved right, seeing his son perform at dozens of venues for thousands of people, for the community with Mr. Peter Yarrow (performed at Obamas inauguration) alongside the youth. Da Prince performed for Doug .E Fresh and Dead Prez as well as received an award by the mayor of his city for community performances. Lastly he was a part of a black youth leadership program alongside actors and C.E.Os to speak with the black youth, his own age (9th to 12th grade).

With the release of his upcoming project Freshman 15, LiL-D Da Prince has ambitions to tour, get his music scored, into video games and commercials, and ultimately get signed to a major record label to further his career and take him to the next level, which he, his believers (family, friends and fans) and his city are confident he is ready for. Never will another mother birth another like me. - LiL-D Da Prince. These are the words, after a person listens to Da Princes music, meets or see a show, interview, video etc. that prove true soon after
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