[Next To BLOW] - Atlanta's Own @MrMrWestside (September)

Name:  Mr Mr Westside            
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Occupations: Rapper / Engineer /Actor
Genre: Hip-Hop
Indie Label: Major League Music Group


Formely DJ aka Mr.Westside; Now 'Mr Mr Westside', Is a young artist that has been going hard in the underground industry seriously since 2004. Being that he is from the south and a Atlanta native from the westside of town. You would think that his music genre was only stuck to that but no. He considers himself to be an universal rapper and practices different genre styles. Though being unsigned he has managed to collab with several mainstream artists such as Soulja Boy, Travis Porter, Young Twinn and etc just to name a few. In late 2007 he picked up the nickname 'The Best Rapper To Do It' and thats because so previously early in his career he accomplished all attributes that some rappers are still trying to obtain today. Then in 2009 he linked up with current labelmate 'Dat Boy Weaver' and joined an indie label called Major League Music Group to form a dou group Westside x Weaver. Though currently still looking for management; his career is on an steady rise.

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