[Interviews] - @itzDubb "California's Mixtape King"

Name: Dubb
Location: Los Angeles, California
Genre: Rap
Label: Indie (Unsigned)


TMC: For those who may not know you let the people know who Dubb is.
DUBB: My Name Dubb stands for Determined- Unique-Beyond-Belief. I’m a rapper from Los Angeles California; I have been writing and recording seriously since I was 17 years old. I take my music very seriously and I want people around the world to appreciate my talent.
TMC: What was it about being an artist that made you want to pursue it as a career?
DUBB: To be honest with you I was always a fan of music, I feel that music is one of the 

only art forms in this world that you can truly express yourself and people will accept you for you. Artists such as Adele and Lady Gaga are so successful because I feel that they don’t care what people think about them. The reason why I choose to pursue rap as a career is because creatively it allows me to express myself, it gives me confidence and of course it gives me the power to touch and inspire people.

TMC: Who can you say has the most influence on you when it comes to music?
DUBB: God has had the most influence on me. God is the reason why I have the ability to rap; he is the reason why I am still able to share my experiences with the world. Every time I step in the booth its God who gives me the courage to make that powerful music that my fans around the world love so much. I am very humbled and appreciative so I have to pay homage to the most high every chance I get.
TMC: What sets you apart from other artists?
DUBB: I feel that I am truly an artist that is selling his true self to the game. What I really mean is that I am not out here trying to be something or someone that I am not. I consider myself to be more than just a rapper and if you really took the time to listen to my music and mixtapes you would see that. I feel that I am an artist that can give you all kinds of records I know that my biggest strength is that I’m diverse musically and this comes naturally for me it’s not forced which I think people off all professions can appreciate.

TMC: Is there any advice you can give to other artists you wish someone would've given to you? 
DUBB: I would tell artists to make sure that you have your business in order before you do anything. A lot of artists are unaware of what’s really available to them before and once they get on. This industry is full of sharks and snakes, these people are not your friends this is a business and unfortunately once your popularity starts to grow people star to look at you as a commodity rather than an actual person. Be right with God, be right within and most importantly always make sure you and your team are on the same page. 

TMC: Give us a resume of some people you've had the chance to work with? & which was most memorable? 
DUBB: I have been very fortunate that in a very short period of time I have had the opportunity to work with many artists who are out there making great music. I have collaborated with artists such as Tyga, Kendrick Lamar, Cali Swag District , Yung Berg, Ab Soul, and the Game just to name a few. The most memorable moment for me was having the opportunity to work an artist who taught me a lot, who I had the utmost respect for and who I feel passed away too early and that was Atlanta based rapper Dolla. I definitely want to take the time to give a shout out to his whole family and all of his fans he is truly missed (Rest in Peace).

TMC: What was your most significant achievement since you've started in the industry?
DUBB: I was just recently featured in XXL Magazine “The Break” and that meant the world to me because as an artist those are the kind of opportunity’s that you live for. Other than that it is only the beginning I have a lot more things to accomplish so I am sure as time goes on my answer’s will change.

TMC: Do you have any projects that you're working on that you can tell the fans about?
DUBB: Yes I do, I am currently working on my first mixtape release for the year 2012 and it is entitled “The Layover”, it will be out in June of 2012. You will be able to cop it on all of the major mixtape promotional websites such as Datpiff.com and Hot New Hip Hop.com.

TMC: What something people may not know about you?
DUBB: People may not know that I am just a regular person; this industry is not easy I have bills and family responsibility’s just like everyone else. I am very approachable so if you happen to see me somewhere in public say what’s good! I am not hollywood never have been and never will be.
TMC: Anything else you would like to say?
DUBB: First and foremost I would like to give a big shout out to everyone up at Music Connectz Magazine “The Hottest Magazine in the South!!” I would like to also give a shout out to the whole state of Atlanta. Be sure to follow me on twitter @itzDubb, also stay locked into my official website WWW.ITZDUBB.COM for all new upcoming and current updates.
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