[Mixtapes] - "Live Slow, Die Old" from @TrendzMorrison

Edward Holmes AKA Trendz was born in Omaha, Nebraska and raised in Miami, Florida. Trendz is initially known for his hands painted clothing label, Trendz Clothing. Trendz Clothing was awarded first place for designer of the year for men’s wear from Fashion Designers Expo of South Florida. Trendz is a man of many talents; his songs are the result of daily life experiences that many will relate to and many will learn from. Since the age of 15 Trendz has been free-styling and has decided the time is right to share his talent and gift with the world. "People always told me that I should take it serious, but I didn't believe in myself" Says Trendz.

Trendz can be set apart from many of the artist today, he does not put an importance on material items, but places an importance on politics, love, and war in the streets. Coming from two different cities that shared the same issues he offers a solution for that feeling of being sick and tired or fed up. Trendz mixtape “The Reaperz Enemy” was released on August 26, 2010. The album, “The Reapers Enemy has received great response from samplers such as “The Fourth Letter” Which is a letter that he had written to his father that in with he shares the time that they have both lost from each other but, also offering advice and uplifting any male parent in similar situations. Another song that has the listeners attention is "P.A.I.N." in which he informs the listener of what the media leaves out.
With his second mixtape titled "Live Slow, Die Old" He displays his growth. "It's only been a year and I've seen more things as well as witnessed that I feel that I have to share with the world, I love music! And it takes me to a place that I want the world to see? Says Trendz. To a new listener, a critic or a faithful fan "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Get use to me."
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