[Artists] - 5 Facts About... @Leeryck

Name: Leeryck (lyric)
Location: Florida
Genre/s: Soul R&B
Label/Unsigned: Leerikaal Records/TMI Entertainment


TMC: Introduce yourself.    
Leeryck: My name is Leeryck and I am one half of Music's Messenger known as the R&b anomaly. I've written and released my debut album entitled "Conundrum" I have been singing since the age of 5 inspired by Whitney Houston, Glady's Knight and Monica. I have been written music since the age of 10 and have since published three poetry books.

TMC: What made you pursue music?    
Leeryck: I knew I was going to pursue music when it begin making choices for me, when i turned to music to get me thru the dark times and the happier moments. When i realizzed my voice could touch people and my words helped people thru.

TMC: What sets you apart from other artists?    
Leeryck: What sets me apart from other artist is the fact that I am doing it for the music not for the money, because I am not willing to compromise who i am as a person and that I am writing real music and embrace the stuggle that it is taking me to soon be able to touch the world with my music.

TMC: What's something people may not know about you?    
Leeryck: I am a pretty open person yet private at the same time so anything that anyone wants to know about me feel free to ask. As long as the approach is respectful I will answer.

TMC: What projects do you have planned for the near future?    
Leeryck: Right now I am promoting my album "Conundrum" on iTunes, Amazon and Rhapsody I am the sole distributor of the cds so I am just trying to get this album to stretch across the world. I plan to do more features and more performances and continue to make real music, that will stretch thru centuries.
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