[Artists] - A Hip Hop Artist Extraordinaire @Only1CedricJ

Name: Cedric James
Location: Chicago
Genre: Hip Hop
Label/Unsigned: D.M.C


A Hip Hop Artist Extraordinaire! Cedric James is an up and coming artist who has raw talent flowing through his veins. This young man is more than a  triple threat. He is a rapper, he is a writer, he is a lyricist, and he is a comedian. But to sum him up, Cedric James is anentertainer. He loves to hype up an audience. His stage presence is captivating. His command of the audience is effortless. Naturally funny, Cedric James easily inspires laughter from an audience as a comic. But Cedric James has a serious side that shows up mostly in his music. Cedric James is not just a rapper, but he is a revelator. He speaks the truth. 

 Purchase "Start Over" on iTunes Here! 
(feat. TDW)
He is in his element spitting rhymes about what is important to him. Cedric James has been inspired by artists such as, Kanye West, and Common as well as Old-School Rappers such as KRS One, LL Cool J and Kid N Play. And yet, he cannot be compared to any other rapper, because he maintains a style of his own Cedric James is truly a gifted lyricist. He has such a clever way of marrying words together. His words are deep, and the meanings are often multi-layered. Like any rapper, Cedric James likes to rap to a good beat. But he believes that a good beat won’t go very far if the words are empty. Words have power. Cedric James wields words like a Knight of the Round Table wielded his sword. When asked what inspires him to write, Cedric James answers everything. To Cedric James, the whole world is a song just waiting to be sung. Cedric James desires to be a positive force in the world of Hip Hop. He feels that the 90’s were the best decade of Hip Hop, and would personally like to be in that flow of Hip Hop.

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  1. I bought the single, "Start Over" from Itunes. It's Hot!

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